Thursday 19 March 2020

We Have Snapped Out Of Our Self-Delusion and Self-Denial

It seems 5:30am to get some shopping in is nowhere near early enough! ASDA was completely log jammed before sunrise.

I don't know how it is in your town, but in mine I'm pretty sure you could get Huw Stephens on BBC news to announce on all TV channels simultaneously that the Bubonic Plague, Black Death and Small Pox had all returned to our shores once more, but even more deadly this time around, and the people in my village would still remain crammed together lined up in queues filling every aisle of ASDA, stockpiling bog roll and Findus Crispy Pancakes, their trollies bumper to bumper as they debate amongst themselves just how fast you would die after contracting the new strains of these classic diseases, while standing face to face and inhaling each other's breathy responses, complaining how they are still too socially awkward to wear a face mask in public because it's just "not me". 

To the people in my local ASDA it appears as though the job of curbing the spread of a contagious new disease they know endangers the lives of people who are vulnerable by simply covering their mouths with a bit of material, remains an act only Chinese people and trendy looking hipsters from London do. Not them.

Put a fucking mask on your germ dispenser will you. Especially if you want to sneeze, cough and belch in public with abandon yer dirty bastard!

If doing something so self-evidently necessary in order to increase the speed with which we all get through this growing social crisis, then how the hell do we expect to be able to make the internal self-changes in our behaviours to ensure the Earth remains a place our kids have clean air to breathe and fresh clean water to drink? 

In general, the level of self-delusion and self-denial coursing through the whole of Western society is painful to watch continue, even when the vision of the end of everything is facing us in plain sight. Instead, our answer is to retreat back into our fantasy land of Netflix again to try and overwrite the truth of our reality.

Our deeply embedded habit of avoiding the truth about what's happening to us, here and now in the present moment, refusing to accept the cold facts of our situation until it's far far too late, is something we have to snap out of today.

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