Monday, 30 December 2019
Sunday, 29 December 2019
My Heart Attack Turned Me Into A Photographer
"I Am Honoured"
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Snakes and Ladders
Saturday, 7 December 2019
Epilogue To An Ended Friendship
Friday, 6 December 2019
Opening The Past
Sunday, 1 December 2019
The Brain Is Radio Receiver Receiving Thoughts Transmitted By The Universe
How Much Do You Love Me
Parents Who Tell Their Kids To Stop Showing Off
I'm not a fan of parents who tell their kids to stop showing off. Without good reason at least. Like an oncoming car or approaching cliff edge which their child is unaware of while performing a pole dancing routine they copied off a drag queen on YouTube.
Parents who forbid their children from expressing themselves fully because they fear other parents will think they've been teaching their kids about the virtues of boastfulness I feel kill part of the magic in being a child. Each time they choose to blunt their child's desire to express, they pull them one step closer to the drab, grey predictable world they exist in and hate, precisely because it's drab, grey and predictable.
If it's possible for you to do so, then encourage the freedom in expressing creative impulses throughout your child's life. If your child happens to sing like a strangled cat, then provide guidance and assistance, or point them to someone who can. That way you also get them out of the house for a couple of hours each week at singing lessons, which lowers the chances of you strangling them yourself!
A parent who chastsises their child for not already being good at something they have a passion for I doubt has any appreciation of the amount of time and effort needed to excel at anything. If they did then they wouldn't do something so ignorantly cruel.
To any kids happening to stumble upon this while browsing through your mum or dad's phone - ignore them. Carry on expressing yourself even if they order you to stop. Or ask them why they think you ought to. If they drop some Grade A codswallop like, "Because I said so!", then I'm sorry, but your parents are assholes.
Showing off your talents, showing the world what you're capable of, isn't a crime because it may cause others to feel inadequate about what they can't do. It's they who needs to grow up. Or should that be, grow down? Obviously, don't be a knobhead yourself and refuse to share the secrets of what you're doing if someone intrigued happens to ask. You have a duty to share the good things you find out in life.
I daydreamed once about creating my own juvenile prison for youths who were super talented, but their refusal to acknowledge or nurture and develop their strengths I deemed as being criminal. Youths were sentenced to a spell inside my jail, where tutors and expert practitioners would find ways to allow them to exploit their squandered talents to the utmost. An organically programmed pathway which grew the potentials of these obviously brilliant youths, would constitute their punishment.
But it's the adults who need to rediscover the joys of knowing and assuming nothing again. The joy of being unafraid to approach life naively. Something they may now regret having discarded because they listened to society's insistence that "they've grown beyond that childish phase now. It no longer serves your purpose". Erect a firm middle finger to any person or society which tells you this, then go retrace your steps to reclaim what has been lost before it's too late.
A person should be the sum of all they've ever experienced, rolled into one. Nothing should ever be thrown away.
Friday, 29 November 2019
I Hate Having To Sleep In A Small Single Bed Each Night
Friday, 22 November 2019
I'm Glad That Mental Health Sectioning Has Increased By 17% In The Last 2 years In The UK
I Hold A View Which Is Diametrically To Nihilism Yet Simultaneously Accepts It
Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Sunday, 17 November 2019
Message to N
Hahaha!! What a lovely message! I love how passionate you are in it! But I love even more how we've managed to stay friends and are now helping each other this way. I think I'll have another listen actually before I carry on with this message...
Haha!! When I heard you say "If I'm totally honest with you..", I truly felt that you were about to be, and started rubbing my palms together with glee. That's what I love the most. "Get ready for some good shit!", I said to myself. Do tell me if you have any additional criticisms to add that may have come to you since.
Erm....well, I don't really have much else to say really in reply because I don't disagree with what you point out. From my perspective I just wrote what I needed to write and it took that form. A form I knew would immediately be anathema to many of my facebook friends, but didn't want to change despite knowing this.
Ok, let me listen again and address your points as you make them...
"What it lacks for me, is feeling" - I agree. If taken as a whole anyway. The piece lacks the cohesion necessary to carry the emotions on a constant journey, and there was no attempt by me to address this at the time. Maybe in revisiting the piece today, as I usually abstain from from posting big pieces the day it's been written - perhaps the desire or need to fashion it into something more unified in its purpose will come to me. But I'm not going to force anything if it doesn't. Trying to make things happen always ends up with tears for me!
"It seems like you're talking about yourself in the past, and not in the present" - Yup. Agree with that too! I'm barely present in the entirety of the text, and make only a brief appearance towards the end. The text almost reads like a cold philosophical manifesto. Like it's aim is to propound something profound. And because of this appearance of supposed profundity, along with the text's didactic tone, it causes many people to want to stop reading immediately as it feels like it's contrived, on its it's way to pretension. Again, I was aware of this, and if the impulse to modify the text in order to ameliorate the sense of lofty pretence arrives, then I'll be all over it.
I think the voice IS from the past, as you say. It's not me in the now. It's like a voice from the past being recalled to the present, by Scouse Ben from the Wirral. "Who does he think he is plastering his tomes on Facebook like they're undiscovered ancient manuscripts? I think he may have gone a bit too far with this one". Hahaha!!
"You cannot talk about love with indifference" - Why not? You don't qualify that statement. What happens? What inviolable law is broached in doing so?
But let's say it's true. Why does the crime of talking about love with indifference mean that it also cannot be spoken of with a voice of purest reverie or abject despair? How are the two linked exactly? Is not aiming between emotional extremes a fine example of striving for mediocrity? "...where what you're invoking is a feeling you can't interpret as either joy or pain".
Jouissance is a feeling of ecstacy, and jubilation is not far behind. Am I misinterpreting you here?
By the way, I used the word 'crime' up above because it fit better, so don't feel like I'm accusing you or anything!
I feel like the cohabitation of statements about knowledge acquisition alongside those of love spoken with a dispassionate voice offends your sensibilities of what is proper. I think you find it grating!
"Knowledge...what knowledge is and how it's experienced, is technical" - I'm not sure what you mean by experiencing knowledge technically. I think I'm more interested in what constitutes the act and process of knowing rather than knowledge itself to be honest. The dynamics of knowing.
There wasn't any intention for the themes of love and knowledge to ever engage, interact, or dance in harmony together; so any contact made was purely coincidental. I just wrote out my thoughts in a serial fashion and refused to do any arranging!
"Is this really profound? Do you really believe it so? And if you are, then you need to go deeper into the feelings of that to express it in a new way, in a new form of love, of knowledge" - I wholeheartedly agree with you. But I don't think that new form should consist of ordered words. It should remain silent and operate within the realm of the ineffable.
" expression where knowledge becomes another person in the other" - Yes! I'm all for people being transformed for the better through expression which brings them a sense of knowing, which leads to a new becoming.
"And when we talk about otherness, it is something we can never have, we can never possess. It is always absent. It's an absent presence" - Are you sure otherness is something we can never possess? How do you know? More importantly, and leaving aside the proving/disproving aspect - what benefit or advantage does it bring you in believing resolutely that this is the case?
Saturday, 16 November 2019
All Knowledge Worth Knowing Cannot Be Taught
All knowledge worth knowing cannot be taught.
It has to be seen or experienced by the individual itself and felt as truth, otherwise what is learned are merely things society has deemed valuable in order to go further in the game it created.
If your mind is so inclined then it's hard to arrive at the point where you see the words that escaped your lips played a role that was crucial in constructing the reality you now know.
Knowledge doesn't come from books. Information does.
Knowledge of worth, which no one elses knows, is created through knowing one's self, more, in relation to information one imbibes. Books can point in directions with questions and wonders inspired, but answers are all there inside us.
If you know this, then it will seem to others as though you are well educated despite holding no post. Because you are your own university. The issue is whether you have the courage to enrol and the patience to sit in its seminars, engaging with tutors, who are all parts of you.
Some people see learning as the task to increase the sum of facts and figures in their heads. Knowing is a process of accumulation to them. Of acquisition. But I see knowing as the process of becoming one with the thing I wish to know. Having the thing I wish to know live inside me.
Knowing is an act of embodiment. Fusion with a truth. If I wish to know about love, I know it. I don't read books about love or watch videos where experts wax on about what love is. I just allow myself to feel it. Open myself up, let love inside and grant it the freedom to occupy me.
Love is a squatter whose presence pays all bills
When love is inside me I listen to truths each moment they rise, so don't stress about being on time for its lectures. Like I would in the real world. Because Professor Love is a guest I hope never leaves my house! I learn from her when the time is right. (which is most fortunate, as I am always late)
Many things in this world seem the wrong way around. Like learning. Learning, for me, occurs in emptying one's insides, out. With Art. With Words. With Actions. With Breath. Remaining as such. Never harbouring. Never holding onto. (how full of myself do I sound!)
It is the art of continual removal of all detritus and debris in the mind. The flushing of obstacles strewn all around, littering its ground, that make one have to tip-toe when going place to place; shifting from memory to memory. Learning is the expelling of all mental refuse we discard when we're discarded, which we refuse to accept began with us, and now swims thick through the air the self is breathing. Turbulent currents of single-use plastic with nowhere to go accumulate in mind over time through denial. And the only place you always are becomes a blizzard of trash pelting you into submission...
Empty it!!! Take it in your hands, turn it over and then tip it all out. Go on, give it a good shake! Make sure you get everything. You missed a bit. No, there! A soggy ALDI receipt. I know, but it still shouldn't be there.
The renewing breeze that only Spring can bring now wafts through the endless pastures before you. Nothing but an infinity of open green space. Nothing but nothing. Cleansed of contaminants you now feel so free walking from A to B in the shortest way possible between two points, with no need to circumnavigate the globe to move 2 steps ahead. You're free to wander without aim through a land you now remember is yours, whose rivers and valleys and mountains give you no fear, and so have no need to be governed.
Having said all this, I don't put up with nonsense in my internal kingdom! Like memories of events banding together in my mind, forbidding me from entering their territory (despite me owning the land!). Out of bounds areas of my self trying to prevent news about what goes on there leaking out, overwhelming me with bad feelings should I come too close. I can't be having that kind thing taking place in my world, I'm sorry. It can breed only fear in one, and loneliness in the other.
It's not a very pleasant, relaxing on the bog of a morning with your favourite newspaper in hand, suddenly hearing a thunderous rumbling crack coming from above. You glance up to see the roof of your house being gently removed, revealing a lovely blue sky high up in the heavens beyond - noting to yourself that it's actually quite nice out today - before a massive beady eye assumes the position of your late roof, an eye belonging to a nosey giant who peers in at you while your bowels in frustration express their reluctance to leave a job half-finished. Petrified and unsatisfied, you immediately turn claret, flushed with fear and embarrassment, hoping in vain that in naming the giant as the pervert he is, with lungs at full capacity, he will turn and scamper towards the horizon feeling ashamed of himself...
But the nosey giant stays and just smiles at you
That's how those places within our minds which don't wish to be known by us ought to be treated. Albums of memories we've buried deep below, have plastered over and long walked away from. Memories too pained by trauma to accept their own voices but desperately wish that they could. By removing the roof of the fortress they erected, the safe space they need to reside in to guard against knowing more pain, the shame of our scrutiny, and the fear of being judged unfairly by others for feeling the way that they do - by lifting the lid and then peering inside with a curiosity free from all motive and intention - healing through an acceptance of all that we are and have had to endure to get here becomes possible, and so hope is born.
Endeavour to locate and expose, all of the mind's no-go zones while they shit on the bog reading horoscopes, and with a friendly Scouse accent wave down at them and say
"Alright mate!"
(actually, don't use a Scouse accent. It may be too grating for some)
And so as each passing day escorts me closer to death, I make a conscious effort to free up all space in my mind to keep it perpetually vacant. Free from all things unknown and any disposable needless clutter. Because there's always more you can learn that has worth. And believing this allows one to become a learner for life. You'll always have space for new lessons learned as there'll always be room to receive them.
Friday, 15 November 2019
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Facts Are Like Bricks. Assumptions Are Like Bricks Which Vanish When Facts Turn Up.
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
you cant feel self-pity if you don't have a self
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Truth Is The Endless Search That Rejoices At Never Being Found
Tuesday, 22 October 2019
Why White Servitude Is Not The Answer To Extinction Revolution's Inability To Act As One
have the time and the money: we do not have the knowledge What you're asserting is very problematic if taken at face value and needs further clarification I feel in order to enhance its ability to not be taken out of context easily.