Monday 6 April 2020

The Truth

The Truth can never be masked or covered or hidden so there is no reason to fear religion.

But there is a reason to fear people who become convinced that they know The Truth. And so as individuals, or as part of a group claiming to know The Truth amidst a vast sea of the less enlightened without it, as perhaps others are simply ignorant or knowingly refuse to accept the ways The Truth dictates which is proof enough of their possession by an entity elsewhere....

These are the people one should be wary of and cautious about. People who claim to know The Truth and cannot stop themselves from making you also know it with them.

So there is paradox at work here. A paradox between our search for The Truth and the problems that begin once we become convinced that we've found it.

The Truth is that which emerges by itself without trying, because it is that which gradually becomes self-evident the more it is engaged with. The Truth is that which no language is needed in order for all to reach agreement upon. The Truth is that which any person of any creed, faith, religion, belief system or persuasion, can find cause to deny.

The Truth becomes stronger and more convincing, more penetrating, the more it is attacked. Because attacking The Truth simply sharpens its edges. Defines its lines, making it even more incisive and piercing a tool when used.

The Truth never ever needs to be defended. That is just another human delusion that illustrates their enduring arrogance and constant ignorance very well. The Truth welcomes attacks from all sides, from all angles, in order to know for itself if it really is The Truth, and not just a figment of its own wishful thinking.

So beware of anyone claiming to know The Truth, claims to hold The Truth, to be keyholder that can unlock the truth for you, for a fee, because The Truth isn't an object that is purchased nor a commodity which can be traded or bartered with. It is free.

Who knows what it is? But we can be sure of what it is not. It cannot be owned or kept or acquired. It is free, and it is everywhere. It is the air we breath therefore it can never be hidden from us because you cannot hide the air that we it breath without killing us all.

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