Sunday 26 April 2020

The Feelings Magic Mushrooms Bring Can Make This Work

Me personally, I dont need any psychedelics to see the world differently because seeing the world differently is my default setting. I'd say the same for you too. We don't need anything for our mind. The reason I like mushrooms is because it's all about feeling. 

It's about an uncontrollable love for humanity that starts in your belly which you can't explain but you know it's good for you, so you open yourself up to it and then it takes over your body, and then your mind, and you begin to see how the world could be transformed through love, and how you as an individual might be able to help bring about such a harmonious state. It's just that feeling which I'm keen for you to know.

The feelings and the knowledge of what you perceived stay with you! There is no crash like one gets with synthetics.

With anything so powerful, respect is needed in its administration. People who take too much and walk round all day totally loved up, expecting everyone they come into contact with to be on the same vibe as them are disrespecting nature, and themselves. 

The feelings you get when taking mushrooms, are amplified versions of feelings that already exist within you. So if you are feeling happy, you will feel beyond happy. If you are feeling hopeful and optimistic - likewise. If you are feeling creative and inspired - watch out world!!!😂😂

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