Wednesday 22 April 2020

A Day In The Life Of Power

So, I was sitting outside in the sun, much as I am now, around this time too, sunbathing and relaxing. 

The couple who live next door were out too on their patio having breakfast. The guy is quite loud and gregarious when he speaks and his partner has one of those grating nasal Scouse accents. I try not to interact with them or get to know them at all as I want to always remain an unknown quantity to them. That way they never know what is going on in my mind so they are less likely to take liberties or push their luck with me just because we're on friendly terms.

Unknown quantities generally are treated with more respect because you don't know what it is you are dealing with exactly.

So I'm sitting there chilling and the neighbours are chatting at a respectful volume. My wifi speaker was connected in the kitchen and I was playing soulful chilling grooves that were perfect for basking in the sun to, at a volume which was loud enough for me to get mellow, but nowhere near a level which would interrupt the conversation the neighbours were having.

To my surprise, it seemed as though they began to talk at an even lower volume still in order to utilise the faint music coming from my kitchen speaker as the soundtrack to their brunch. I had accidentally become their DJ!

I had their attention and they were now altering their behaviour around the music that was playing, which I was in control of.

But there was also pressure on me to be able to maintain their pleasant ambience. I would just have to carry on finding tunes which kept the vibe going.

I managed to do this, and soon the couple had forgotten they were using me for atmosphere generation. They had come to expect that this mood could go on and on forever...

Then at some point later on when a song finished playing and had faded out, I didn't put on another one after it as I wanted to do something else. The couple sensed this end to the music was the cue for them to wrap up their conversations, take their dishes inside and do something else themselves, but I wonder just how long I could have kept them there if I had actually wanted to?🤔

The most interesting controlling aspect of it all was the fact that the music which provided their mood while they chatted together was immediately blocked out by their own voices if they didn't lower them sufficiently. I had placed a condition on the vibe I was supplying. 

"You want some of this sweet vibe?"

"Yes, we do"

"Sure, no problem. Here you go!"


*later on...*

"Excuse me, we really love the vibe you have us but it only works if we talk below a certain threshold"

"Sorry, that's just the way it's been made I'm afraid. It's nothing to do with me."

"No worries. We still enjoy the vibe anyway so I guess well just have to keep our voices down then"



I had unintentionally managed to quiten their voices by offering them a gift that would only work according to terms which had been set internally within the gift. Terms which unbeknownst to them, I could freely change.

Is this not a fairly good demonstration of the Power's modus operandi?

"You want this?"


"Stay quiet then".

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