Tuesday 6 August 2019

The Inherently Limiting Effects Of DAWs

I find DAW's inherently limiting, in a really bad neurotic and obsessive way. The fact that samples and songs automatically loop, I've grown to absolutely detest this function but have only just released that it was one of the reasons why my musical creations were shite.

I never write a message like that in real life. Hi, hi , hi, hi, Hi, hi, hi, hi, How, are you, how are you, how are you, how are you, How are you, how are you, how are you, how are you, How are you Chris, how are you Chris, how are you Chris, how are you Chris, How are you Chris....

maybe I should write a techno message to someone like that...but the repetitive default design of most DAWs I find makes it hard to be able to imagine a path away from the original kernel of an idea.

That's why all my music sounds gash and never goes anywhere, and so I become disillusioned, although I love the act of communicating and language per se. I should splurge more, jizz all over the staves then cherry pick the nice cherries.

Get used to and more confident with doing things first time. The first take is the only take. There are no re-runs. Speech in reality is a first draft that can't be amended without first being captured. Be in a world where capture doesn't exist. Then once you wake up from having channeled what is without, remind yourself that you did actually press record and you can now edit away for the next 15 hours! Sweet!!

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