Tuesday 6 August 2019

CAPITALISM IS SOCIALISM (you just take shit for free instead)

"You can't give poor people stuff for free. They don't deserve it! They ought to work for it honestly like we do!" - said the whinging Capitalist, conveniently oblivious to the fact that his business was only able to get itself off the ground by scraping the cream off his workers wages, under the necessary guise of reinvestment.
Capitalism literally IS getting stuff for free, and using what you get for free to generate even more stuff for free - but you have to do it with charm and grace, otherwise it just looks like straight up theft. And looking like a thief is much worse than actually being a thief these days.
I think what the ruling class mean is that rather than poor people being given stuff for free, they ought to follow their master's example and just TAKE IT!
But then when I tried to take a £3 T-shirt off the rack at Primark they banged me up in a cell for the night and made it even harder for me to function in this world once I got out. Go figure...

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