Sunday 1 December 2019

The Brain Is Radio Receiver Receiving Thoughts Transmitted By The Universe

Perhaps achieving the zenith of our genius can only be attained via a state of total non-thought. Through choosing not to choose. Opening up the self to the point of inversion. Where the inside has become the outside, and the outside, in.

The celestial FM receiver of spirit, embedded within the heart is now able to receive with a total clarity, diction from a place located beyond the locality of the cogitating brain.

What if consciousness as we experience it lies embedded within the fabric of the universe itself, all around us like an ever-permeating ocean of resonating cosmic soup, containing everything that has been and ever can be?

The brain is not the inbuilt thought generation device we assume it must be, but a divine radio receiver of conscious thought, and the living universe is the transmitter whose frequency we perpetually seek to find and tune in to.

So our task and privilege as self-creating entities, is to reconfigure our brains through the right thoughts and deeds to harmonise all our neural connections to enhance the quality of the signal we may receive. If our brains consist of a chaotic mess of wirings, then we receive poor quality signals, broken fragmentary thoughts and ideas. Life is experienced as a constant stream of distracting garbled noise bouncing around our skulls. 

But a brain which has been fashioned with its neural connections to work together in harmony, enables the possibility for a high quality signal to be received - where visions and mental projections possess a striking lucidity. 

In choosing to make ourselves so open to receive them, choosing to have no guards up or barriers erected to protect us from what could possibly happen next - choosing total vulnerability - leads to the capacity of signals of a higher order being permitted to enter the inner domains of our minds, freely and unfettered by any man-made filter. Undisturbed by the ego's pathological need to analyse and question everything it can observe.

Acceptance of everything as being a valid expression of some aspect of life, is a form of love. A state where nothing is denied its right to exist or declared as being evil. And through life-long self-configuration of our brains, the conditions and necessary environment brought about by nurturing our capacity to love, to be loved and critically, our ability to extract strength when in the presence of love - is how we personally manufacture the optimum conditions for our minds to be paid regular visits by superior ideas and thoughts which are dictated to us perfectly from beyond.

In my opinion.😂

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