Sunday, 24 January 2021

Democracy Doesn't Need Protecting

There's There's something about the kind of rhetoric in the headline below which has been getting my goat more and more over the past months, but especially during this particular period of Covidual convalescence. I prefer my goat to be left well and truly alone.šŸ

"Democracy is under threat and we need to 'protect' it".

Things that are threatened, that have value, ought to be given resources so that they can fortify and strengthen themselves and therefore are then able to fend for themselves. A sense of having autonomy works wonders for one's sense of taking responsibility.

Instead, help strengthen an entity's own immune response to those externalities that pose a threat, rather than waste time and effort trying to fight off the never-ending influx of baddies on its behalf.

From what I've seen, people who have delegated themselves to be the newly established 'protectors' on behalf of someone else, always end up asking them some form of payback sooner or later, because this 'protection' you're getting from me isn't free you know! and it's this ongoing 'protection' which prevents the thing under threat from growing stronger.

Capitalist societies are constantly legitmising the idea of the necessity of heroes. Capitalists love heroes, because heroes don't demand to be paid in order to do what they think is right, and capitalists love it when people do the right thing and don't demand to be paid for doing it. about the kind of rhetoric in the headline below which has been getting my goat more and more over the past months, but especially during this particular period of Covidual convalescence. I prefer my goat to be left well and truly alone.šŸ

"Democracy is under threat and we need to 'protect' it".

Things that are threatened, that have value, ought to be given resources so that they can fortify and strengthen themselves and therefore are then able to fend for themselves. A sense of having autonomy works wonders for one's sense of taking responsibility.

Instead, help strengthen an entity's own immune response to those externalities that pose a threat, rather than waste time and effort trying to fight off the never-ending influx of baddies on its behalf.

From what I've seen, people who have delegated themselves to be the newly established 'protectors' on behalf of someone else, always end up asking them some form of payback sooner or later, because this 'protection' you're getting from me isn't free you know! and it's this ongoing 'protection' which prevents the thing under threat from growing stronger.

Capitalist societies are constantly legitmising the idea of the necessity of heroes. Capitalists love heroes, because heroes don't demand to be paid in order to do what they think is right, and capitalists love it when people do the right thing and don't demand to be paid for doing it.

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