Sunday, 26 April 2020

The Feelings Magic Mushrooms Bring Can Make This Work

Me personally, I dont need any psychedelics to see the world differently because seeing the world differently is my default setting. I'd say the same for you too. We don't need anything for our mind. The reason I like mushrooms is because it's all about feeling. 

It's about an uncontrollable love for humanity that starts in your belly which you can't explain but you know it's good for you, so you open yourself up to it and then it takes over your body, and then your mind, and you begin to see how the world could be transformed through love, and how you as an individual might be able to help bring about such a harmonious state. It's just that feeling which I'm keen for you to know.

The feelings and the knowledge of what you perceived stay with you! There is no crash like one gets with synthetics.

With anything so powerful, respect is needed in its administration. People who take too much and walk round all day totally loved up, expecting everyone they come into contact with to be on the same vibe as them are disrespecting nature, and themselves. 

The feelings you get when taking mushrooms, are amplified versions of feelings that already exist within you. So if you are feeling happy, you will feel beyond happy. If you are feeling hopeful and optimistic - likewise. If you are feeling creative and inspired - watch out world!!!😂😂

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Against Wisdom

The biggest flaw for me about wisdom is that it can be written down. Like the saying "Take the path of least resistance" for instance. It's just a seductive sounding soundbite which sounds like it contains a solution.

But what about the opposite of what its saying? "No pain, no gain" is one way of saying resistance is a necessary part of making progress.

Or what about  "Nothing worthwhile in life is ever easy, and nothing easy in life is ever worthwhile"? Sounds so deep and spiritual, and the feeling of it chiming with us convinces us even more of its truth value.

So which one of them is true? Or if they are all true at different times, then what is it that enables you to know with confidence which one is right at the right time?

For me, wisdom never has the balls to choose. It only ever highlights the merits of the possible options in a way that sounds seductive and often times poetic. 

Knowing how to act and make decision in the present moment. That is where it's at! That shit's the real deal! That's the shit which cannot be written down. It is the unspoken, unwritten intuition that allows one to navigate through the seas of the present and never be capsized by treacherous waters because the answer is always there if you are prepared to throw away the crutch of wisdom with its wise words, sayings proverbs people brandish like holy relics to guard against the unnerving feelings the uncertainty of the present is instilling in them.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

The Importance Of Choosing Nourishing Substitutes

If Chris Whitty isn't chatting shitty, and social distancing is indeed extended to the end of the year, by then each of our new normals will include all the new habits we will have developed in the meantime.

Habits that will consist of the substitutes we've had to use as replacements for the actual things that we want to do now but can't at the moment.

If we end up having to say goodbye, for the foreseeable future, to something we miss really badly, and the gradual detachment process involves a sort of withdrawal stage to pass through; then it'll be important to choose a substitute which isn't a low-nutrition quick fix, and is actually a substitute good for us in its own right.

While we wait for things that are being missed to return, choose substitutes that contain within them opportunities for growth in life-affirming directions, instead of substitutes that act like cheap drugs to get you through, which only lead to diminishing returns on each successive hit.

A Day In The Life Of Power

So, I was sitting outside in the sun, much as I am now, around this time too, sunbathing and relaxing. 

The couple who live next door were out too on their patio having breakfast. The guy is quite loud and gregarious when he speaks and his partner has one of those grating nasal Scouse accents. I try not to interact with them or get to know them at all as I want to always remain an unknown quantity to them. That way they never know what is going on in my mind so they are less likely to take liberties or push their luck with me just because we're on friendly terms.

Unknown quantities generally are treated with more respect because you don't know what it is you are dealing with exactly.

So I'm sitting there chilling and the neighbours are chatting at a respectful volume. My wifi speaker was connected in the kitchen and I was playing soulful chilling grooves that were perfect for basking in the sun to, at a volume which was loud enough for me to get mellow, but nowhere near a level which would interrupt the conversation the neighbours were having.

To my surprise, it seemed as though they began to talk at an even lower volume still in order to utilise the faint music coming from my kitchen speaker as the soundtrack to their brunch. I had accidentally become their DJ!

I had their attention and they were now altering their behaviour around the music that was playing, which I was in control of.

But there was also pressure on me to be able to maintain their pleasant ambience. I would just have to carry on finding tunes which kept the vibe going.

I managed to do this, and soon the couple had forgotten they were using me for atmosphere generation. They had come to expect that this mood could go on and on forever...

Then at some point later on when a song finished playing and had faded out, I didn't put on another one after it as I wanted to do something else. The couple sensed this end to the music was the cue for them to wrap up their conversations, take their dishes inside and do something else themselves, but I wonder just how long I could have kept them there if I had actually wanted to?🤔

The most interesting controlling aspect of it all was the fact that the music which provided their mood while they chatted together was immediately blocked out by their own voices if they didn't lower them sufficiently. I had placed a condition on the vibe I was supplying. 

"You want some of this sweet vibe?"

"Yes, we do"

"Sure, no problem. Here you go!"


*later on...*

"Excuse me, we really love the vibe you have us but it only works if we talk below a certain threshold"

"Sorry, that's just the way it's been made I'm afraid. It's nothing to do with me."

"No worries. We still enjoy the vibe anyway so I guess well just have to keep our voices down then"



I had unintentionally managed to quiten their voices by offering them a gift that would only work according to terms which had been set internally within the gift. Terms which unbeknownst to them, I could freely change.

Is this not a fairly good demonstration of the Power's modus operandi?

"You want this?"


"Stay quiet then".

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

The One Is The All

The one is not 'the one for me'
The one is not 'the chosen one'
The one is the embodiment of oneness
The node to which everything is attached
The place upon which everything converges
The axis around which everything revolves and hinges on
The meeting place of perspectives, all ways of being, seeing, doing, thinking
And in thus being connected to all
It understands all
As it is joined to all
The one is the all
Not the individual

Consciousness is a oneness
A oneness which is a singularity
The intersection of all forms of Being
It is the fat ball point with many inks
Which writes with one tip

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Imagine Our Own Future Before Power Imagines One For Us

I feel like precisely because imagining the future which comes after this seems impossible, is the reason why we have to start imagining it. 

Otherwise the future we end up getting to live in we will have had no part in creating, and there are enough politicians and leaders of all kinds out there only too happy to design a future for everyone else to live in if it means they get to write the rules.

As difficult as it may seem, I feel like now is the perfect time for people to try and imagine what they want to happen after this, and seek out others who also share the same hopeful sentiment. Living in a future in which everyone has had a hand in making, no matter how small it may seem, is a really important thing in terms of having a sense of joint ownership about something everyone helped to build.

And that desire to seek out others who think and feel similarly to the way you are right now will be essential in order to galvanise people together into a cohesive whole, able to work as one. Because the only other option or road that springs easily to mind right now is one which leads to despair and total submission to the external forces that usher, steer and coerce us into doing what it thinks is best, if we choose not to do anything at all and remain stagnant.

That does sound proper dystopian, and even a bit hysterical when read in one go, but if you would have told me 2 months ago that very soon I would find myself staying in my house for 5 weeks straight in a bid to help save people's lives, then I would have mentioned that you didn't have to watch the entirety of Black Mirror in one sitting. 

But here we are! 

The truth of what's happening sounds just as wild as fiction right now, which is exactly why the way the story continues is so up for grabs. Everyone has writers block because the true extent of the reality we're in still remains unknown. Which is precisely why imagining a future that personally gives you hope is so necessary.

Friday, 17 April 2020

I Have No Respect For Wasps Who Do This

I have no respect for wasps that get into your bedroom through the tiniest of openings, then when you fully open the window so they can let themselves out, suddenly forget the way they came in and start buzzing about in the curtains and netting like they've been taken hostage and now is the time to enact the escape plan. So they scale the window pane multiple times but jump off each time they reach the top. Pacing around on the window sill shouting "I'm trapped! Somebody let me out!!!", even though the window can't be opened any further and they are 2 inches away from freedom. Absolutely zero respect for wasps who behave like this.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Lovemaking in the Time of Covid-19

What we need more than anything right now is to be able to touch each other. A handshake, a pat on the back, a hug, a kiss, a fondle...

Contact with those we love and cherish in all its myriad forms. But for the foreseeable future such essential life-affirming intimacy is forbidden to us.

How then can we physically touch without making contact?


Imagine standing in a box room which is partitioned straight down the middle, ceiling to floor by a see-through synthetic membrane as delicate as spiders silk, as flexible as a Queen's Variety Performance contortionist, and as strong as an iron bar. You stand on one side of the room, gazing longingly through the transparent veil at your partner who stands on the other.

How good would it feel to be able to just walk up to your partner or the loved one Lockdown has kept you apart from for weeks, and simply embrace them knowing it was totally safe to do so?

The transparent sheath that at all times maintains a safe distance between you is so thin and so light that its presence is quickly forgotten, allowing those feelings of love, longing and gratitude that have been on hold for so long to flood forth without restraint.

I'm asking for £100,000 for a 1% equity stake in the company. 

Ewan Davis: Well, what a remarkable pitch! I'd never heard of the Wirral before, but I have now! Such chutzpah! 

The dragons, hands firmly gripping their 50k wads, prepare themselves for the inevitable bidding war...

Monday, 13 April 2020

What I realised about the way I respond during a extended period of depression

Nearly all of the negative things that you say are assumptions. They are NOT facts, because they have not happened yet. 

People should never make assumptions about their future simply because it feels like things will never change. The simple fact is that it is literally impossible for anything to stay the same. Things can only get worse or get better. It's your choice. Things remaining as they are forever isn't actually something that can happen, so forget about it.

Listen to your thoughts or go through your writings or trains of thought and highlight the facts and separate them from the assumptions. The things that can be said because they are true, and the things which will become true if you keep telling yourself they are already true when they aren't.

Dont ruin your life investing the power of your belief in assumptions which the end up becoming self-fulfilling prophecies. Never EVER declare that whatever negative experience is happening for you, will carry on like that forever, because you have no right to claim such a thing before it's actually takes place, and whether it places or not is entirely your choice.

Monday, 6 April 2020

The Truth

The Truth can never be masked or covered or hidden so there is no reason to fear religion.

But there is a reason to fear people who become convinced that they know The Truth. And so as individuals, or as part of a group claiming to know The Truth amidst a vast sea of the less enlightened without it, as perhaps others are simply ignorant or knowingly refuse to accept the ways The Truth dictates which is proof enough of their possession by an entity elsewhere....

These are the people one should be wary of and cautious about. People who claim to know The Truth and cannot stop themselves from making you also know it with them.

So there is paradox at work here. A paradox between our search for The Truth and the problems that begin once we become convinced that we've found it.

The Truth is that which emerges by itself without trying, because it is that which gradually becomes self-evident the more it is engaged with. The Truth is that which no language is needed in order for all to reach agreement upon. The Truth is that which any person of any creed, faith, religion, belief system or persuasion, can find cause to deny.

The Truth becomes stronger and more convincing, more penetrating, the more it is attacked. Because attacking The Truth simply sharpens its edges. Defines its lines, making it even more incisive and piercing a tool when used.

The Truth never ever needs to be defended. That is just another human delusion that illustrates their enduring arrogance and constant ignorance very well. The Truth welcomes attacks from all sides, from all angles, in order to know for itself if it really is The Truth, and not just a figment of its own wishful thinking.

So beware of anyone claiming to know The Truth, claims to hold The Truth, to be keyholder that can unlock the truth for you, for a fee, because The Truth isn't an object that is purchased nor a commodity which can be traded or bartered with. It is free.

Who knows what it is? But we can be sure of what it is not. It cannot be owned or kept or acquired. It is free, and it is everywhere. It is the air we breath therefore it can never be hidden from us because you cannot hide the air that we it breath without killing us all.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Don't conserve what little you have during lockdown. Generate more.

When you're low on energy, low on morale, low on self-belief, just low in might seem like the best strategy is to conserve what few resources you have left for those parts of yourself you think are the most important or valuable. 

But you only have to look at how the The Conservatives operate to realise why replicating their mistakes and applying austerity to our own bodies will never leave us feeling better.

You have to invest your resources into things which are real and here, now. Not promises of what you'll get in the future. You have to invest your resources in things which are natural but also feed everything else, making the pursuit of dreams and ambitions possible to begin with. Investing in the living environment around us in order to help it make more of itself to nourish others.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Neville and the Dao

And so it's either all or nothing. But is it? Is it possible for it to be all AND nothing? Neville AND the Dao.

It all seems to hinge upon the question of expectations and whether we have them or not. Neville teaches us to have nothing but expectation. To project and live in the vision of the future as if it were the present. 100% expectation of what is about to occur next. And in this way it shall occur.

But the Dao is the polar opposite of this, for any hint of expectation about what is to come next is an act of trying, an act of doing, an act of intention. This is not the Dao, because the Dao is the perfect way ahead which we are able to find and walk only when the ego has surrendered all responsibility for steering the destiny of the self. Destiny ought to be in the Dao's hands, not ours.

So there seems to be a paradox here between the two ways of being, and if both are true at different times, then how does one unify them together? 

How is it possible to walk the path we want to see unfold before, without wanting it?

Neville = See and feel what you wish to take place and thus it becomes so.

The Dao = Abandon all intention and surrender yourself completely to each present moment.

Both = The future you seek is already written.