Saturday, 30 March 2019

Satirizing Satire with Satire

Satire: the great neutralising agent of the rage of injustice. Both the weapon to attack the enemy with and comfort blanket to retreat under when the tribulations of life become all too much. The nation's pressure valve. For those moments when you need to attack a formidable opponent and also demonstrate the futility of doing so. That unique armour piercing blade, fashioned over the ages by humanity's wittiest intelligentsia, who claim it will immobilise any opponent through the subtle manipulation of their psyche. Armed with the sharpest satire, they say you can defeat any opponent by simply agreeing with them more than they agree with themselves, and at once your enemy shall find themselves licking their wounds, boo-hooing to the winds. But beware of wicked fearmongers who will falsely tell you to beware of Snatchers; a terribly unsporting class of opponent who collect the barbed exaggerations you throw at them, then present them to their army of followers as proof you are supportive of their cause. Meanies.

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