Monday, 17 December 2018

Google's AlphaZero Has Made Watching A Chess Game Feel Like Going To The Opera

As the  Chess World Championship in London 2018 proved so conclusively, when you have everything to lose, humans more often than not will play things safe and not dare to dare. In the weeks since winning and retaining the World Championship, the highest rated player of all time, Magnus Carlsen, has admitted that his frustration in not being able to play to his potential for some time now has led him to admit he's not sure he will be defending his title again in 2020; a complaint you will not be hearing from a digital chess playing entity anytime soon, at least not in present iterations.

"When you reach a certain level, there is too much at stake to really let loose," (Magnus Carlsen)

At the top flight now, very rarely will players commit themselves fully to ideas which balance on a knife edge, walking the fine line between foolish hubris or artistic genius.

For this chess fan it has now become an obvious fact that watching the ideas produced by AlphaZero and Leela, neural network chess playing entities that feel no pressure, feel no embarrassment in losing and take no pleasure from playing perfectly when they do, has undoubtedly had the effect of injecting chess with a level of drama reminiscent of the Romantic period, where dynamic flourishes would render the chessboard a scene from a ballet rather than the grinding battle of attrition found in a military campaign.

Watching Grandmaster Daniel King become giddy like a child, declaring "This is unbelievable chess!", as he witnesses yet another move which for him, in the words of the wise sage Vizzini, was moments ago literally 'Inconceivable', heralds I think a rebirth of chess and further reaffirms the significance of this new age of dynamic playing that has begun. Humans, it seems, are accepting their role now as keen and content spectators, appreciators of games and other pursuits played by players who play games the way they ought be played.

AlphaZero has come to share the good news, that material means nothing when you have superior space and piece activity. Dynamism is back. Chess has become Art again in the truest sense of the word. And this is what the chess world has desperately needed to hear for some time now.

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