Friday, 1 June 2018

Why are we in such a rush to get humanity lived, over and done with?

The Accelerationists of this world seem to want it to spin so fast that it hums. Anyone that doesn't have a firm grip on the way things are going to be from now on will be flung off in due course. This is no time for laggards and toe dippers. Those who develop a mental illness in response to the incessant reconfiguration of their environment shall be steered towards machines that will teach them how to cope. The daily pursuit of hyper-optimizing our capacity for work will give us meaning and keep us moving forward. Those struggling to keep pace with the system unaided are encouraged to automate part of their function or take the necessary cognitive enhancers to help bring their level of operation up to speed. All time will be purposeful and accounted for. 
Free time is wasted time.

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