Sunday 20 September 2020


I can't ever imagine asking to be tickled. The physiological response from a good tickle makes it problematic in 2020. It'll probably be banned as societies gradually become even more inept at nuanced behaviours which reside in the grey areas.

The growing trend is that we all feel that we have to act according to absolutes in order to not be misinterpreted or taken out of context, which is so sad as it causes the world to inexorably become ossified and rigid in the number of potential ways it is willing to communicate with itself.

The best tickling I remember involved the interplay of me saying no while simultaneously enjoying the exciting physiological sensation writhing throughout my body. But it was an illusion that I wasn't in control of the limits of me being tickled. I was in total control all throughout.

For me, good healthy tickling is dependent upon a relationship of trust and understanding between two people first. Strangers who know nothing of each other should never just dive in armed with only their assumptions about how the other ought to or should react. Such thoughtless ticklers need a good slap across the chops.